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1 Peter: Women's Summer Study

1 Peter, A Living Hope in Christ
9-week Women's Summer Study

This summer, our Concord ladies will be studying I Peter together with the help of Jen Wilkin's video/homework study. Copies of Jen's study book are available in the Atrium, and cost $13 each. Please plan to pick up a copy and pay at the first study gathering.

Contact Jessica Rasnic (706-406-0173, to let her know you're interested in attending! There will be two meeting times available during the week:

  • Evening Study: Starting May 31
    Tuesdays, 7:15-9:00 pm at Kathryn Placer's house
  • Morning Study: Starting June 2
    Thursdays, 9:30-11:15 am at Concord
    *If you require childcare, please inform Jessica Rasnic by May 25*
Earlier Event: June 1
Summer Kid's Choir
Later Event: June 21
Adventure Camp 2016