The biggest sporting event on the planet, the Summer Olympics, will be held in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. 10,500 athletes will compete from 206 countries, and 7.5 million tickets will be sold for events held in a city of over 6 million people. What an opportunity to reach the nations!
During August 5-15, Concord will be sending Pastor Kris Foster and Richard Pershey to partner with a local evangelical Presbyterian church. They will be doing outreach work around the city, which will primarily involve literature distribution and street evangelism. They will be equipped with a variety of books and ebooks from 9Marks which will explain the gospel in multiple languages.
The trip will cost $2,200 total to send both Kris and Richard to Brazil. They need believers to partner with them in prayer and with financial support. To send them on this missions trip, please consider giving a gift. You can designate your check "Brazil Missions Team" and mail it to the church office or place it in the offering plate on Sunday. Please pray for these Concord men as they interact with the international masses during this event! Ask the Lord to use the gospel literature and conversations to bring about salvation and lasting fruit.