Ladies, our fall book study selection is a study of Titus 2 by Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth, entitled Adorned. Pick up your book for $10 in the Atrium and begin reading for the first meeting, which will be Saturday, September 23, from 8-10am.
We will meet on three Saturdays from 8-10 am to discuss the book -- come as you are able!
September 23 (Intro/Part 1: Chapters 1-5)
October 28 (Part 2: Chapters 6-9)
December 2 (Part 3: Chapters 10-14/Epilogue)
The books are available for in the Atrium for $10 beginning August 27.
Link to the discussion group questions:
Please contact Jessica Rasnic at (423) 903-9285 with all your questions.