"Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. " Roman's 12:13
In light of Scriptures' exhortation to extend hospitality to those around us, the Women's Ministry team would like to invite women college age and up to join us October 25 at 7pm in the Gym for a Hospitality Meal Prep night. Each participant will prepare and take home 2 freezer dinners. You can use the dinners as an opportunity to bless a family in need of a meal, or use the dinners to extend hospitality and invite others into your home to share a meal together. Our prayer is that by meeting practical needs and practicing hospitality, the Spirit will open doors for gospel opportunities as you build relationships with neighbors and friends. During the event, we will enjoy a brief devotional centered on hospitality and have a time of light refreshments and fellowship. Registration will remain open until October 18 and the event will be $3 a person. Contact Lauren Keeton (423-305-5231) with questions.