Our children’s ministry is preparing the next generation
to be a gospel-shaped, gospel-sharing people.
Our Approach
Concord is committed to being a family-equipping church. We are not seeking to replace parents as the primary disciple-makers of their children. Nor are we seeking to integrate families into the church in such a way that we no longer have age-specific ministries. Rather, we see ourselves as partners with parents in discipleship by (1) offering age-specific ministry to children, designed to lay a foundation for mature Christian living; and (2) seeking to encourage, train, and resource parents to succeed in making their homes a training ground for Christ.
Our regular ministries
Contact our church office to learn more about our Nursery, Children's Sunday School, and Wednesday evening activities.
Our Summer Ministries
Vacation Bible School - Every summer, our church body comes together to serve our community and the children of our church by hosting an adventure-filled camp here on our campus. While we certainly have a lot of fun, our primary focus is to teach children the gospel and to share the love of Jesus with their parents.
Kids' Choir - The purpose of this ministry is to use God's gift of music to help children learn and memorize biblical truths, and to appreciate the value of singing for the Lord. The children meet on Wednesday evenings during the summer to learn a musical that they present to the church in the Fall.