Our youth ministry is preparing the next generation
to be a gospel-shaped, gospel-sharing people.


our Approach

Concord is committed to being a family-equipping church. We are not seeking to replace parents as the primary disciple-makers of their children. Nor are we seeking to integrate families into the church in such a way that we no longer have age-specific ministries. Rather, we see ourselves as partners with parents in discipleship by (1) offering age-specific ministry to youth, designed to prepare them for mature Christian living; and (2) seeking to encourage, train, and resource parents to succeed in making their homes a training ground for Christ.

We have developed a comprehensive child protection policy for all our children and youth ministries that includes training, classroom guidelines, and background checks. This policy is available on the Members Resources page and upon request in the church office.

our regular ministries

We design all of our youth ministry events to accomplish one or more of the following objectives:

  1. Relationship Building – Creating environments for our youth and leaders to know each other well, with a view toward effective discipleship.

  2. Evangelistic Clarity - Clearly presenting the gospel so that, Lord willing, teens are confessing faith in Christ and growing in him.

  3. Intentional Discipleship - Teaching the students a biblical worldview and what it means to follow Jesus in everyday life.

  4. Leadership Development - Teens becoming active witnesses to their peers and serving as a gospel-shaped influence on the younger generation.

Event ministries

  • Camps and Retreats – At various points throughout the year, our parent volunteers and students head off for several days in order to enjoy being together and to give focused attention to the Bible.

  • Ministry Opportunities - As a part of leadership development, our students are encouraged to be involved in the life of the church. They will assist other leaders in special events that serve our younger generation.